Threatening, Insulting, False Allegations...
Well, we as INIFD Deccan centre can't go on with the #InJustice that just happened with us in the recent past...
It is students' exam time and our young ones deserve an answer, as we fight for our students' rights and for our right as an fashion & interior design institute...
We have been loyal to the brand INIFD Corporate, INIFD Chandigarh and CEO Mr. Anil Khosla since past 17 years now, we have made sure that we do not let the brand name down thus it has been our constant effort to make the most of our students' careers...
But here when we our threatened of being terminated as a center via false allegations it makes us more loyal towards the brand INIFD...
We have been standing by the brand for so many years our teachers, fighting for each and every Students' bright careers, and now suddenly we get termination gospels from everywhere...
We are grateful for the brand name but we are highly disappointed with the kind of practices we have been asked to follow by the TOP MANAGEMENT sitting at INIFD Chandigarh working for the brand... It breaks our heart to say that more than 1000 students have registered for INIFD programs in affiliation with Annamalai University from Pune Region alone and their exams are scheduled in this week and we have been dealing with termination gospels...
Where do we stand, why do we deserve this unjust behaviour despite being loyal to the brand...
We demand an answer, we demand our students' careers, we demand our rights of being treated well for the loyalty we embrace to the INIFD brand...